Next Level Racing Flight Seat Pro Boeing Military Edition (PC)
- Product SKU: 38991603
- Category: All products, Boost All, Gaming Furniture, Gaming Gear
A Flight seat that is suited for a wide range of flight users. Incollaboration with Boeing, The Next Level Racing Flight Seat Pro Boeing MilitaryEdition features a wide frame design for extra stability and a center HOTASmounting pole with height and angle adjustment, making it compatible with majorbrands, including Thrustmaster, VPC Mongoos, WINWING, and more.
For added comfort and immersion during long flight sessions, the Flight SeatPro Boeing Military Edition includes a safety footstep, lumbar cushion, and seatharness, with a variety of flight plates that are compatible with a wide rangeof throttles and HOTAS peripherals on the market. With an ergonomically designedflight seat and support for helicopter and space setups, the Flight Seat ProBoeing Military Edition is the perfect choice for pilots of all levels.
Plus, with included lockable castor wheels, the cockpit can be easilytransported to different locations, making it the ultimate choice forprofessionals and enthusiasts alike. Flight users can place their Flight SeatPro Boeing Military Edition in front of their desk to achieve a genuinelyimmersive experience. Combine the Flight Seat Pro Boeing Military Edition withthe Next Level Racing Flight Stand Pro* to create the most versatile flightcockpit on the market for the most immersive flight experience. For a moreimmersive experience, the Flight Stand Pro is also compatible with Next LevelRacing Motion Plus Platform and Motion Platform V3**
The Next Level Racing Flight Seat Pro Boeing Military Edition offers a range ofdifferent configurations to suit the needs of every flight user. With itsergonomically designed flight seat featuring a military stick cut-out,helicopter and space setups are easily accommodated. The flight plate armprovides a wide range of adjustment for your electronics to allow for quick andeasy positioning to the ideal setup. The HOTAS mounting pole with support forextended HOTAS sticks ensures compatibility with all major brands, delivering aseamless experience for all users. Whether you’re a casual gamer or aprofessional pilot, the Flight Seat Pro Boeing Military Edition is the perfectchoice for your next flight simulation experience. Immerse yourself in thespaceship with the right joystick positions and simultaneously switch to yourcontroller to roam in the game.
The Next Level Racing Flight Seat Pro Boeing Military Edition offers extensiveadjustability for an optimal flight experience. Its center HOTAS mounting poleis a standout feature allowing for height and angle adjustment, accommodating arange of desired configurations. The flight plates are compatible with a widerange of throttles and HOTAS peripherals. The HOTAS center pole offers an 80mmheight adjustment and a 74-degree angle bracket adjustment range. The flightplate arms can be adjusted for height and lateral movement and can be attachedto the top or bottom of the frame, allowing for different setups. The topplacement is for general flight peripherals while the bottom placement is forhelicopter peripherals.
The combination of Flight Seat Pro Boeing Military Edition and Flight Stand Prooffer a range of different configurations to suit the needs of every flightuser. The combination is compatible with the Next Level Racing Motion PlusPlatform and Motion Platform, providing an even more immersive flight experiencewith motion adaptability. Additionally, the Flight Stand Pro is compatible withNext Level Racing Flight Seat Pro Boeing Military Edition, ensuring seamlessintegration. With configurations available for General Aviation, Commercial,Space, Military, and helicopter setups, users can choose the perfect setup tosuit their needs. The Next Level Racing Flight range has been specificallydesigned and developed with flight users in mind. Flight users can create acommercial flight configuration by attaching a wide range of yokes, rudders, andthrottles directly to the cockpit. A military configuration is possible with aunique cut-out design of the seat to attach the HOTAS center stick directly tothe middle plate, providing a true-to-life combat experience. For generalaviation, several adaptor plates are provided to ensure cross-compatibility ofelectronics on the market to be attached directly to the cockpit. Space userscan utilize the included Keyboard and Mouse tray to attach the two joysticks andhave their keyboard and mouse within reach for the most reactive gamingexperience.
The Flight Seat Pro Boeing Military Edition is designed for comfort during longhours of flight, with high-density foam and a combination of PU leather andsuede for breathability and longevity. The seat has a unique double reclinerdesign for added strength and can be fine-tuned for different angles. It ispositioned higher to accommodate flight rudders and has a cut-out design for thebest positioning of the joystick between the user’s legs during combat orhelicopter flight.
Over the years, Next Level Racing has engineered flight solutions for some ofthe most serious applications on the planet. We are proud to have suppliedflight cockpits to NASA, Boeing, Bristol University Department of AerospaceEngineering, Australian & British Air Force Cadets, Saitek, Oshkosh AirShow, European Pilot of the year James Moon and many more. Collaborating withthe leading aircraft manufacturer, Boeing, users can interact with officiallylicensed Boeing products – Military Boeing Edition. Next Level Racing Flightproducts are designed to be modular, allowing for easy customization to fit thespecific needs of each user. With expert knowledge and feedback from customersglobally, the Next Level Racing Flight Simulators are trusted by thousands ofusers worldwide for training and entertainment purposes.
- Official licensed product of The Boeing Company
- Professional grade seat supporting Commercial, General Aviation, Space,Helicopter, and Military configurations with wide frame design for extrastability.
- Upgradeable to a professional grade flight cockpit with the addition of theNext Level Racing Flight Stand Pro*
- Features a center HOTAS mounting pole with height and angle adjustment,compatible with major brands.
- Included footrest and seat harness for ease and immersion during flightsimulation.
- Flight Plates compatible with a wide range of throttles and HOTASperipherals.
- Ergonomically designed flight seat with center stick cut-out and support forhelicopter and space setups.
- Premium quality materials ensure enhanced durability and compatibility withNext Level Racing Motion Plus**.
- The cockpit includes flight plates with a wide range of adjustment, allowingfor quick and easy positioning to the ideal setup.
- Included Lockable Castor Wheels, allows easy transportation to differentlocations for your convenience.
- Next Level Racing Flight Seat Pro Boeing Military Edition
- Next Level Racing Lockable Castor Wheels
- Four Point Next Level Racing Harness
- Seat Sliders
- Next Level Racing Lumbar Cushion
- Next Level Racing Stationary Feet
- Buttkicker Adaptor Mount
- Hardware for assembly with extra hardware for hard mounting peripherals –Digital assembly instructions and assembly videos available here:…instructions
- Supported Height: 120 –210 cm or 4ft – 6ft 9 inches
- Supported Max Weight: 150 kg or 330 lbs
- Product Dimensions: (L) 88 cm x (W) 115 cm or (H) 123cm /(L) 34.6 inchesx W 45.3 inches x H 48.4 inches)
- Box Dimensions: 87.5 cm (L) X 54cm (W) X 49cm (H)/ 34.4 inches(L) x21.3 inches (W) x 19.3 inches(H)
- Product Weight: 43.1 kg or 96 lbs
- Boxed Weight – 50 kg or 111 lbs
- Part Number – NLR-S039
- Next Level Racing Flight Stand Pro
- Next Level Racing Motion Plus Platform (Please note the Flight Seat Proneeds to be connected to Flight Stand Pro for Motion compatibilityand usage)
- Next Level Racing Motion Platform V3 (Please note the Flight Seat Pro needsto be connected to Flight Stand Pro for Motion compatibility and usage)
- Next Level Racing Free Standing Keyboard and Mouse Stand
- Next Level Racing Elite Free Standing Monitor Stand – Next Level RacingElite Quad Monitor Stand – Next Level Racing Floor Mat
**Next Level Racing Flight Stand Pro is required to be combined to allow theproduct motion compatible.
*Next Level Racing Flight Stand Pro is sold separately
Please note: Wheel and pedal and other accessories are not included
A Flight seat that is suited for a wide range of flight users. Incollaboration with Boeing, The Next Level Racing Flight Seat Pro Boeing MilitaryEdition features a wide frame design for extra stability and a center HOTASmounting pole with height and angle adjustment, making it compatible with majorbrands, including Thrustmaster, VPC Mongoos, WINWING, and more.
For added comfort and immersion during long flight sessions, the Flight SeatPro Boeing Military Edition includes a safety footstep, lumbar cushion, and seatharness, with a variety of flight plates that are compatible with a wide rangeof throttles and HOTAS peripherals on the market. With an ergonomically designedflight seat and support for helicopter and space setups, the Flight Seat ProBoeing Military Edition is the perfect choice for pilots of all levels.
Plus, with included lockable castor wheels, the cockpit can be easilytransported to different locations, making it the ultimate choice forprofessionals and enthusiasts alike. Flight users can place their Flight SeatPro Boeing Military Edition in front of their desk to achieve a genuinelyimmersive experience. Combine the Flight Seat Pro Boeing Military Edition withthe Next Level Racing Flight Stand Pro* to create the most versatile flightcockpit on the market for the most immersive flight experience. For a moreimmersive experience, the Flight Stand Pro is also compatible with Next LevelRacing Motion Plus Platform and Motion Platform V3**
The Next Level Racing Flight Seat Pro Boeing Military Edition offers a range ofdifferent configurations to suit the needs of every flight user. With itsergonomically designed flight seat featuring a military stick cut-out,helicopter and space setups are easily accommodated. The flight plate armprovides a wide range of adjustment for your electronics to allow for quick andeasy positioning to the ideal setup. The HOTAS mounting pole with support forextended HOTAS sticks ensures compatibility with all major brands, delivering aseamless experience for all users. Whether you’re a casual gamer or aprofessional pilot, the Flight Seat Pro Boeing Military Edition is the perfectchoice for your next flight simulation experience. Immerse yourself in thespaceship with the right joystick positions and simultaneously switch to yourcontroller to roam in the game.
The Next Level Racing Flight Seat Pro Boeing Military Edition offers extensiveadjustability for an optimal flight experience. Its center HOTAS mounting poleis a standout feature allowing for height and angle adjustment, accommodating arange of desired configurations. The flight plates are compatible with a widerange of throttles and HOTAS peripherals. The HOTAS center pole offers an 80mmheight adjustment and a 74-degree angle bracket adjustment range. The flightplate arms can be adjusted for height and lateral movement and can be attachedto the top or bottom of the frame, allowing for different setups. The topplacement is for general flight peripherals while the bottom placement is forhelicopter peripherals.
The combination of Flight Seat Pro Boeing Military Edition and Flight Stand Prooffer a range of different configurations to suit the needs of every flightuser. The combination is compatible with the Next Level Racing Motion PlusPlatform and Motion Platform, providing an even more immersive flight experiencewith motion adaptability. Additionally, the Flight Stand Pro is compatible withNext Level Racing Flight Seat Pro Boeing Military Edition, ensuring seamlessintegration. With configurations available for General Aviation, Commercial,Space, Military, and helicopter setups, users can choose the perfect setup tosuit their needs. The Next Level Racing Flight range has been specificallydesigned and developed with flight users in mind. Flight users can create acommercial flight configuration by attaching a wide range of yokes, rudders, andthrottles directly to the cockpit. A military configuration is possible with aunique cut-out design of the seat to attach the HOTAS center stick directly tothe middle plate, providing a true-to-life combat experience. For generalaviation, several adaptor plates are provided to ensure cross-compatibility ofelectronics on the market to be attached directly to the cockpit. Space userscan utilize the included Keyboard and Mouse tray to attach the two joysticks andhave their keyboard and mouse within reach for the most reactive gamingexperience.
The Flight Seat Pro Boeing Military Edition is designed for comfort during longhours of flight, with high-density foam and a combination of PU leather andsuede for breathability and longevity. The seat has a unique double reclinerdesign for added strength and can be fine-tuned for different angles. It ispositioned higher to accommodate flight rudders and has a cut-out design for thebest positioning of the joystick between the user’s legs during combat orhelicopter flight.
Over the years, Next Level Racing has engineered flight solutions for some ofthe most serious applications on the planet. We are proud to have suppliedflight cockpits to NASA, Boeing, Bristol University Department of AerospaceEngineering, Australian & British Air Force Cadets, Saitek, Oshkosh AirShow, European Pilot of the year James Moon and many more. Collaborating withthe leading aircraft manufacturer, Boeing, users can interact with officiallylicensed Boeing products – Military Boeing Edition. Next Level Racing Flightproducts are designed to be modular, allowing for easy customization to fit thespecific needs of each user. With expert knowledge and feedback from customersglobally, the Next Level Racing Flight Simulators are trusted by thousands ofusers worldwide for training and entertainment purposes.
- Official licensed product of The Boeing Company
- Professional grade seat supporting Commercial, General Aviation, Space,Helicopter, and Military configurations with wide frame design for extrastability.
- Upgradeable to a professional grade flight cockpit with the addition of theNext Level Racing Flight Stand Pro*
- Features a center HOTAS mounting pole with height and angle adjustment,compatible with major brands.
- Included footrest and seat harness for ease and immersion during flightsimulation.
- Flight Plates compatible with a wide range of throttles and HOTASperipherals.
- Ergonomically designed flight seat with center stick cut-out and support forhelicopter and space setups.
- Premium quality materials ensure enhanced durability and compatibility withNext Level Racing Motion Plus**.
- The cockpit includes flight plates with a wide range of adjustment, allowingfor quick and easy positioning to the ideal setup.
- Included Lockable Castor Wheels, allows easy transportation to differentlocations for your convenience.
- Next Level Racing Flight Seat Pro Boeing Military Edition
- Next Level Racing Lockable Castor Wheels
- Four Point Next Level Racing Harness
- Seat Sliders
- Next Level Racing Lumbar Cushion
- Next Level Racing Stationary Feet
- Buttkicker Adaptor Mount
- Hardware for assembly with extra hardware for hard mounting peripherals –Digital assembly instructions and assembly videos available here:…instructions
- Supported Height: 120 –210 cm or 4ft – 6ft 9 inches
- Supported Max Weight: 150 kg or 330 lbs
- Product Dimensions: (L) 88 cm x (W) 115 cm or (H) 123cm /(L) 34.6 inchesx W 45.3 inches x H 48.4 inches)
- Box Dimensions: 87.5 cm (L) X 54cm (W) X 49cm (H)/ 34.4 inches(L) x21.3 inches (W) x 19.3 inches(H)
- Product Weight: 43.1 kg or 96 lbs
- Boxed Weight – 50 kg or 111 lbs
- Part Number – NLR-S039
- Next Level Racing Flight Stand Pro
- Next Level Racing Motion Plus Platform (Please note the Flight Seat Proneeds to be connected to Flight Stand Pro for Motion compatibilityand usage)
- Next Level Racing Motion Platform V3 (Please note the Flight Seat Pro needsto be connected to Flight Stand Pro for Motion compatibility and usage)
- Next Level Racing Free Standing Keyboard and Mouse Stand
- Next Level Racing Elite Free Standing Monitor Stand – Next Level RacingElite Quad Monitor Stand – Next Level Racing Floor Mat
**Next Level Racing Flight Stand Pro is required to be combined to allow theproduct motion compatible.
*Next Level Racing Flight Stand Pro is sold separately
Please note: Wheel and pedal and other accessories are not included
Delivery Rates
We charge a flat rate of $6 NZD per shipment, not including heavy and bulky goods.
Please note we have a $56-$118 rate for shipping heavy and bulky goods like chairs and desks which will be calculated at checkout.
Most orders are shipped using New Zealand Post and these parcels are shipped with no-signature required. For our heavy and bulky goods, these are shipped via Mainfreight with signature required.
Delivery Times
We encourage you to track your delivery progress using NZ Post's Tracking tool and contact us if your delivery is overdue by more than these 5 working days after dispatch.
Heavy and Bulky Goods
Please allow an extra 1-3 days for heavy and bulky goods like chairs and desks.